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Buyer Beware: Baofeng DM-5R

Before you get excited and run out and buy the soon to be release dual band DMR radio, please be aware that it is likely NOT compatible with DMRVA or other similar networks.  Preliminary information says that despite the possibilities for upgrades performance may be poor or non-existent.

Roanoke repeater to remain on 444.775 MHz (+5)

A report from Joe Avery – WB4EOT in Roanoke about the repeater system:

W5CUI DMR Repeater on Poor Mountain received approval and 
coordination to remain on 444.775/449.775 Mhz output/input from SERA. 
Coordination has been confirmed with email from Mike Fariss, SERA 
coordinator for Virginia.
Coverage from W5CUI is exceptional and performing beyond expectations.
Portable users easily work repeater in greater Roanoke Valley. Users
in Wytheville, Blacksburg, Hillsville, Floyd, Franklin County,
Martinsville, Craig County, Bedford, Fincastle, Roanoke County,
Roanoke City, Salem, Botetourt County and Smith Mountain Lake report
coverage. We have a report of one user returning from Charlotte
Hamfest September 3rd who accessed repeater 22 miles south of NC/VA
state line on Route 220. Coverage areas are continually being

Maintenance Window

Maintenance will take place on DMRVA servers the morning of September 8, from 12.30-4.00 am EDT.

There may be periods of intermittent network connectivity during this time.

Harrisonburg on Air

K4JK/R is now on the air in Harrisonburg. The frequency is 444.6625+ Color Code 1. It should have good coverage of the Valley from the Staunton area up north towards Edinburg and Woodstock. It has the normal talkgroup lineup. Local (27500) is temporarily tied to Richmond/Petersburg.

Please send along coverage reports from the area.


Local talkgroup configuration change

Local talkgroups are being transitioned back to “off network” status, for single site coverage.  As of this morning, the DC and Wallops Locals are stand alone.  Richmond and Petersburg will remain bridged due to coverage overlap.  Roanoke remains linked but will transition off network once their repeater installation is finalized and troubleshooting is completed.

Of course you can use Virginia Statewide to call stations on other repeaters, and then use a tactical channel for long QSOs.