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DMRVA has been operating continuously since 2016. It is a privately financed Digital Mobile Radio network designed to serve as a general purpose linked repeater system for the amateur community in/around the Commonwealth of Virginia.


All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to utilize the repeaters associated with the system in accordance with FCC rules and good amateur practice.  The administrators and owners of DMRVA and affiliated repeaters and systems reserve the right to make changes to the network, block, or otherwise restrict access at any time without notice or explanation.


There is no guarantee of repeater coverage, system access, talkgroup inter-connectivity, reliability, website and codeplug availability.  This is amateur radio – it’s one giant experiment every day.


If you are a repeater owner in Virginia or a neighboring area and would like to talk about interconnecting, please drop us a line.


Shout Outs:


The former TN Volnet – NCPRN – N5QM – K4USD – N4MW – WB4KXS (SK) – KG4HOT –  KG4FJC – N4SJR – N4MGQ – N8RAT – KB8UJY – N4HRS – KG4INW – KO4YXG


Thanks to the above individuals and organizations for helping to make this possible.