2024 Talkgroup Matrix released and other system news


2024 will mark the eighth year of the DMRVA system which has grown each year to provide coverage to users in Virginia.  Our linked repeater system is 100% digital and is uniquely operated by a mix of individuals, clubs, staff from DMRVA and now with collaboration from N4HRS as we bring two networks closer together to create the best experience for DMR users.


So, it was time to publish a new talkgroup list and system info.  The 2024 Virginia Talkgroup Matrix lists the combined 28 repeaters between DMRVA and N4HRS systems and all available talkgroups.  On all repeaters you will find the local, echotest and VA Statewide talkgroups active at all times along with several PTT talkgroups.  The list of available talkgroups has been revised to emphasize Virginia centric capabilities, including access to regional TG’s in various parts of the state. You’ll have access to several nets throughout the week including the new Virginia Statewide net, SWVA net and the Tidewater net.


Several legacy TG’s have been retired and removed from the system as they were no longer active or the feeds from outside networks had been deprecated.  If they were previously programmed into your radios, you can remove them as they will no longer pass traffic.  These TG’s are PRN, Tac 1, 310, 318, 319, DCI Bridge, MidAtlantic, and Southeast.


If you have questions, please click to contact us  or join the Virginia Statewide Net each Sunday starting January 2024.  Happy Holidays!